Star Wars Wikipedia. Star Wars is an American epicspace opera franchise, centered on a film series created by George Lucas. It depicts the adventures of various characters. It was followed by the successful sequels The Empire Strikes Back 1. As the name implies, each episode has a 60second fight animation between. Watch Beyblade Episodes Online Beyblade Watch Online in HD. You can find English Subbed Beyblade Episodes here. Just click on the episode number and watch Beyblade. Funny-beyblade-35490070-500-372.png' alt='Beyblade G Revolution Episode 37' title='Beyblade G Revolution Episode 37' />Return of the Jedi 1. Star Wars trilogy. A prequel trilogy was released between 1. A sequel trilogy began in 2. Star Wars The Force Awakens. All seven films were nominated for Academy Awards with wins going to the first two films and have been commercial successes, with a combined box office revenue of over 7. Star Wars also holds a Guinness World Records title for the. In 2. 01. 5, the total value of the Star Wars franchise was estimated at USD 4. Many species of alien creatures often humanoid are depicted. Robotic droids are also commonplace and are generally built to serve their owners. Space travel is common, and many planets in the galaxy are members of a single galactic government. In the prequel trilogy, this is depicted in the form of the Galactic Republic at the end of the prequel trilogy and throughout the original trilogy, this government is the Galactic Empire. N6RaFy7-4nQ.jpg' alt='Beyblade G Revolution Episode 37' title='Beyblade G Revolution Episode 37' />Preceding and during the sequel trilogy, this government is the New Republic. One of the prominent elements of Star Wars is. It is described in the first produced film as. While the Force can be used for good, known as the light side, it also has a dark side that, when pursued, imbues users with hatred, aggression, and malevolence. The films feature the Jedi, who adhere to the light side of the Force to serve as peacekeepers and guardians, and the Sith, who use the dark side of the Force for evil in an attempt to destroy the Jedi Order and the Republic and rule the galaxy for themselves. The sequel trilogy introduces the Knights of Ren, an order of practitioners of the dark side of the Force aligned with the First Order. Theatrical films. The first film in the series, Star Wars, was released on May 2. This was followed by two sequels The Empire Strikes Back, released on May 2. Return of the Jedi, released on May 2. The opening crawl of the sequels disclosed that they were numbered as. Though the first film in the series was simply titled Star Wars, with its 1. Episode IV A New Hope added to remain consistent with its sequel, and to establish it as the middle chapter of a continuing saga. Rogue One A Star Wars Story was released on December 1. Watch Joe Kidd Online Hollywoodreporter more. Early development. In 1. 97. 1, Universal Studios agreed to make American Graffiti and Star Wars in a two picture contract with George Lucas, although Star Wars was later rejected in its early concept stages. American Graffiti was completed in 1. Lucas wrote a short summary called. Frustrated that his story was too difficult to understand, Lucas then began writing a 1. The Star Wars on April 1. Akira Kurosawas The Hidden Fortress. By 1. 97. 4, he had expanded the treatment into a rough draft screenplay, adding elements such as the Sith, the Death Star, and a protagonist named Annikin Starkiller. Original trilogy. A New Hope. George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, the director of A New Hope and the prequel trilogy, and the script supervisor of both the original and prequel trilogies. Lucas ceased creative involvement with the franchise in 2. The Galactic Empire is nearing completion of the Death Star, a space station with the power to destroy entire planets. Emperor Palpatine intends to use this deadly weapon to enforce his control over the galaxy and crush the Rebel Alliance, an organized resistance movement. Near the orbit of the desert planet Tatooine, a Rebel ship escorts a secret member of the rebellion, Princess Leia Organa, who intends to use stolen Death Star plans to help the rebellion find a way to destroy the space station. However, Leias ship is intercepted by the Emperors deadliest agent, Darth Vader, and his stormtroopers. Before being captured, Leia hides the Death Star plans inside the astromech droid R2 D2 along with a message for the legendary Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi. R2, along with the protocol droid C 3. PO, escapes to Tatooine. The droids are found by Luke Skywalker, an orphan farm boy raised by his step uncle and aunt. While cleaning R2, he accidentally triggers Leias message. Luke assists the droids in finding Obi Wan, who has been living in exile on Tatooine as an old hermit called Ben Kenobi. Obi Wan also tells Luke he knew Lukes father Anakin Skywalker, a great Jedi who was. Annikin became Lukes father, a wise Jedi knight. The next draft removed the father character and replaced him with a substitute named Ben Kenobi. Later, he realized the film would not in fact be the first in the sequence, but a film in the second trilogy in the saga. The second draft contained a teaser for a never made sequel about. Not long after, Lucas met with author Alan Dean Foster, and hired him to write these two sequels as novels. In 1. 97. 6, a fourth draft had been prepared for principal photography. The film was titled Adventures of Luke Starkiller, as taken from the Journal of the Whills, Saga I The Star Wars. During production, Lucas changed Lukes name to Skywalker and altered the title to simply The Star Wars and finally Star Wars. The fourth draft of the script underwent subtle changes that made it more satisfying as a self contained film, ending with the destruction of the Galactic Empire itself by way of destroying the Death Star. However, Lucas previously conceived of the film as the first in a series of adventures. The intention was that if Star Wars was successful, Lucas could adapt the novels into screenplays. He had also by that point developed an elaborate backstory to aid his writing process. When Star Wars proved successful, Lucas decided to use the film as the basis for an elaborate serial, although at one point he considered walking away from the series altogether. However, Lucas wanted to create an independent filmmaking centerwhat would become Skywalker Ranchand saw an opportunity to use the series as a financing agent. At first, Lucas envisioned a series of films with no set number of entries, like the James Bond series. In an interview with Rolling Stone in August 1. He also said that the backstory in which Darth Vader turns to the dark side, kills Lukes father and fights Obi Wan Kenobi on a volcano as the Galactic Republic falls would make an excellent sequel. The Empire Strikes Back. Three years after the destruction of the Death Star, the Rebels are forced to evacuate their secret base on the ice planet Hoth as they are hunted by the Empire. At the request of the late Obi Wan Kenobis spirit, Luke Skywalker travels to the swamp infested world of Dagobah, in a quest to find the exiled Jedi Master Yoda and begin his Jedi training. Watch Ice Princess Online Full Movie. However, Lukes training is interrupted by Darth Vader, who lures him into a trap by capturing Han Solo and his friends at Cloud City, governed by Hans old friend Lando Calrissian. During a fierce lightsaber duel with the Sith Lord, Luke learns a terrible revelation about his parentage. Watch The Devil Wears Prada Streaming'>Watch The Devil Wears Prada Streaming. They held story conferences and, by late November 1. Lucas had produced a handwritten treatment called The Empire Strikes Back. The treatment is similar to the final film, except that Darth Vader does not reveal he is Lukes father. In the first draft that Brackett would write from this, Lukes father appears as a ghost to instruct Luke. With no writer available, Lucas had to write his next draft himself. It was this draft in which Lucas first made use of the. As Michael Kaminski argues in The Secret History of Star Wars, the disappointment with the first draft probably made Lucas consider different directions in which to take the story. He made use of a new plot twist Darth Vader claims to be Lukes father. According to Lucas, he found this draft enjoyable to write, as opposed to the yearlong struggles writing the first film, and quickly wrote two more drafts. He also took the script to a darker extreme by having Han Solo imprisoned in carbonite and left in limbo. Beyblade. 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