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Comments comments. Watch A Ghost Story Online Ibtimes. Snokes Mega Star Destroyer Revealed. Thanks to Spheros new app for its remote control Star Wars astromechs, we finally have our first look at Supreme Leader Snokes Mega Star Destroyer, The Supremacy. Until now, the ship had only been mentioned in rumors with the Mega descriptor, but this new image reveals exactly what to expect from the First Order flagship that houses Snokes throne room, presumably serving as a roving command center for the First Order during the events of The Last Jedi, and its definitely not what most Star Wars fans would expect from something described as a Star Destroyer. While most of the First Orders fleet has so far mimicked the ships of the Galactic Empire it grew out of, The Supremacy is a whole new beast. The iconic isosceles triangle shaped dagger blade like ships have a look that dates back to the first moments of A New Hope when Darth Vaders Devastator chases Princess Leia and the stolen Death Star plans in the Tantive IV, but in Star Wars chronology it extends even further back, at least to the Venator class Star Destroyer, or Jedi Cruiser, that first appeared in Attack of the Clones, although that design likely wasnt wholly original, with similar designs possibly dating even farther back into unknown Star Wars canon. The design, of course, reappeared in the beginning of The Force Awakens with the First Orders updated, but still wholly similar, designs. Despite its differences, The Supremacy technically maintains a triangular shape, although at a far more obtuse angle than its more traditional kin. According to the app, The Supremacy is the only Star Destroyer of its kind with Mega class being an official designation and comes in at 6. For a comparison, the First Orders Resurgent class Star Destroyers, like The Finalizer, Kylo Rens command ship, come in at just 3 kilometers. In fact, the numerous little triangle notches seen along the back edge of the Mega Star Destroyer are approximately the right size to fit a Resurgent class ship. Whether or not those are actual docking ports, The Supremacy is obviously more than big enough to hold a number of Star Destroyers and other ships, not to mention hordes of TIE fighters. Update A new image revealed by the Sphero app shows that reverse side of the gigantic ship and indicates that The Supremacy in addition to docking can Star Destroyers can also repair and build new ships, making it an even more significant part of the First Orders power. For further comparison, The Empires Executor class Super Star Destroyers were only 1. Death Star had a diameter of 1. The Supremacys size has more in common with a superweapon than it does any ships weve seen before. Clearly, The First Order has far more up its sleeve than Starkiller Base. After the destruction of Hosnian Prime and the New Republic fleet in The Force Awakens, The Resistance is going to have a tough time mustering up anything they could even dare use in an attack against The Supremacy, unless The First Order behemoth also has a singular, potentially catastrophic flaw as well. Whether The Supremacy sees much action in The Last Jedi, or merely serves as a home to Snoke and Kylo Ren when theyre not engaging Luke, Rey, or the rest of the resistance isnt quite clear. New leaks have given us a more clear picture of the overall plot, but many details have yet to be revealed, and The Last Jedi is bound to save a twist or two for the theater. Source Sphero. Key Release Dates. Star Wars 8Star Wars The Last Jedi release date Dec 1. Solo A Star Wars Story release date May 2. Star Wars 9 Star Wars Episode IX release date Dec 2.