The Walking Dead Comic Series. The current artists for the series are Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano, Cliff Rathburn and Dave Stewart. The comic is published by Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment. When I started, I had mapped the book up to about where I am now, actually. Im constantly thinking of new and horrible things that will happen to these characters. I love them so much, but I love doing terrible things to them. I pretty much write things on the go from issue to issue, but I follow a larger plot Ive got mapped out for some time. I like to play things fast and loose, though. TWD_514_GP_1020_03501.jpg' alt='Walking Dead Series Episode Guide' title='Walking Dead Series Episode Guide' />The official site of AMCs original series The Walking Dead. Get the latest news, photos, video extras and more. The Walking Dead is a monthly blackandwhite American comic that started in 2003, and was. Read the Latest Entertainment and Celebrity News, TV News and Breaking News from TVGuide. The Walking Dead Episode 706 Recap. Remember Tara and Heath We havent seen them all season. They headed out on a scavenging trip shortly after Alexandria took out. As Eugene and Rosita head to the bullet factory, Rick and Aaron search for supplies for Negan. Meanwhile, Carl and Jesus find themselves on their way to the Sanctuary. Thats how life is we never know whats going to come next. Im at a point with the series where I plot in 2. I try to have at least 4 of those chunks planned, but there are times when a new chunk of issues is dropped in and things get pushed back. Basically, Im saying this book looks like it will be around for a while. Dexter and Andrew were originally just going to leave the prison and not try to kick everyone out. But when I was writing Issue 1. I figured. Originally, Hershel was going to lose a leg, not Allen, but I decided so much bad stuff had happened to Hershel already with losing his kids and all, having him then also lose a leg would seem unrealistic. I also wasnt planning on killing Allen, I loved Allen, until the issue he died in was being written. It just seemed like it needed the extra punch of him dying. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Also, if I suddenly start having a lot LESS fun, I may end it earlier, but I dont see that happening. Im in for the long haul, and Charlie Adlard is too. As far as a new grouplocation. I may change my mind eventually. I do know. Was it like a plague or a rapture kind of thing There will be smaller answers as things progress. Now, Issue 3. 8 in the book its still only like. June 2. 00. 4 at this point If youre keeping track. But that doesnt mean its 2. I dont want to be specific it also smells funny in there. Like in Canada, or even overseasSo wed never randomly cut to Canada or anywhere, randomly. So its likely were not going to see most of the world. If that somehow happens as a result of reading this comic thats great, but really. What you now hold in your hands is the most serious piece of work Ive done so far in my career. Im the guy that created Battle Pope I hope you guys realize what a stretch this is for me. Its really not that hard to believe me when you realize that Im diving into subject matter that is so utterly serious and dramatic. Good zombies movies show us how messed up we are, they make us question our station in society. Canadian Bacon Online Putlocker on this page. They show us gore and violence and all that cool stuff too. Thats what makes Romero films so great. Im in this for the long haul, and Im pretty sure Tony is too. You guy are going to see Rick change and mature to the point that when you look back on this issue you wont even recognize him. I hope you guys are looking forward to a sprawling epic, because thats the idea of this one. But this is NOT a horror book. I like the term. This book is more about watching Rick survive than it is about watching zombies pop around the corner and scare you. I hope thats what you guys are into. Ive been working with Tony Moore for as long as I can remember. Ive SEEN Tonys work, I KNOW Tonys work, and Ive got to say. Tony really pulled out all the stops on this one. I can really tell that he shares my immense love for the subject matter. This book is really a thing of beauty. I couldnt be more pleased with how its turning out. I hope you all agree. Send praises, gripes, whatever. The needed info is somewhere on this page Im sure, so theres really no excuse. Itll give you something to do while you wait for the second issue, but I promise. It wont be more than a month. The pilot for the comic was also set in the 1. Additionally, instead of being set in Georgia, it was to take place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Furthermore, he hopes that Comic Series lasts longer than TV Series. Archived from the original on August 1. Start a Discussion. Discussions about The Walking Dead Comic Series5. Christmas With The Kranks Full Movie more. Well the TV series might influence the comicsgames, depending on Robert Kirkmans ideas and plans for the future of the franchise, from w. For one, most of the options in Season Two result in Kenny being definat. For one, most of the options in Season Two result in Ke.